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Home » Florida Auto Insurance
July 29, 2024
Romnick Camporedondo

Florida Auto Insurance

Florida law mandates that all drivers carry minimum auto insurance coverage, including auto liability coverage and personal injury protection. These coverages are essential building blocks for appropriate car insurance coverage.

The Insurance Center of NW FL can help you understand your auto insurance options and obtain coverage that meets your needs.

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How Florida Auto Insurance Works

Florida is a no-fault car insurance state, so if you are in an accident, your insurance may help cover injuries for you and your passengers. If you cause damage to someone else’s property while operating your vehicle, your liability coverage may help pay for replacement or repairs.

The required coverages—personal injury protection and property damage liability—have dollar limits. After a covered accident, those policies pay up to the limits. Your agent can help assess your situation to determine appropriate personal injury protection and property damage liability limits.

Factors Influencing Auto Insurance Premiums in Florida

Insurers use several metrics to help determine the risk that a driver may file a claim. Each insurer uses proprietary algorithms to help gauge risk, so it’s crucial to compare quotes from multiple companies to get the best combination of price and value.

Your driving history, location, vehicle value, credit score, coverage limits and deductibles may affect your auto insurance premiums. The Insurance Center of NW FL can help you find appropriate discounts to help lower your car insurance rates.

How to Buy Auto Insurance in Florida

Contact The Insurance Center of NW FL today to shop for auto insurance tailored to meet your unique needs. Our team serves the Mary Esther, Florida, area. We work with numerous Florida insurers to get you coverage to comply with state laws at favorable rates.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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